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Archery World Tour

Archery World Tour. A first-person shooter game, Archery World Tour lets players shoot arrows at concentric circles and score rings and balloons on bullseye targets. Players can compete in two different ways in the game. On a map, they can play levels to unlock new levels or take on single challenges. With both formats, players are rewarded with gold stars and trophies in different geographic environments and seasons.

An open or field competition area with trees on the right and left surrounds the player. At a distance of 30 meters or more, a bullseye target is displayed in a central position. Archers may face targets that move left and right, up and down, or in circular or even triangular directions with target archery. In order to win a round, players may need to strike specific rings worth different amounts or burst one or more balloons accurately in order to reach a certain total score.

As part of Archery World Tour, the player receives three or more arrows and a crosshair sight mounted on the bow. An accurate shot requires precise movements, especially when the target moves and when the wind blows. In the game, an orange and white wind sock icon shows the speed and direction of the wind.

Feature of Game

Rating8.2 ⭐ (Based on 37,360 votes)
Release DateMarch 2018
Last UpdatedJuly 2023
PlatformBrowser (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet)

How to play?

To progress, you must participate in different archery tournaments throughout the world and win each tournament to be eligible to compete in the next one. Using the left mouse button, you can aim and release the button to fire your arrow.

Once you have mastered the tournament mode, you can participate in the challenge mode, in which you must attempt to hit a variety of moving targets. You will not be disappointed with this game if you enjoy a challenge or if you are an avid archery enthusiast. Take the time today to test your shooting skills and have fun!

Who is developed by Archery World Tour?

This game is developed by Happylander


  • A challenging archery game featuring realistic physics
  • The direction of the wind can have an impact on your shot
  • A world tour mode and a challenge mode are available
  • The areas where you can play are beautiful

Challenges Faced by Archers in the World Tour

Competing in the Archery World Tour is no easy feat. Archers face numerous challenges, including:

Weather Conditions

Outdoor tournaments are affected by wind, rain, and lighting changes, making accuracy a challenge.

Mental Pressure

Precision sports require immense mental resilience, and performing under pressure is critical.

Equipment Maintenance

Archers must ensure that their bows and arrows are in perfect condition, as even minor flaws can impact performance.

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FAQs About Archery World Tour

The anchor point is what you really need to focus on, not the aim. Make sure you hit the target. You don’t have to worry about hitting the bullseye. Once you have mastered your draw and anchor point, you will inadvertently learn to aim as you progress.

Fire your bow with your mouse by aiming and clicking. Draw with your left mouse button, and fire with your right mouse button. While moving your mouse, the crosshairs will slowly follow your cursor. The wind direction and speed are important factors in most levels if you want to hit the bullseye.

Using recurve archery aiming techniques should come naturally to you and be more concerned with your movement than your aiming. Even though it may sound absurd, the more you force it, the more difficult it becomes. Aiming too far will cause you to focus more on your form than on your target, resulting in a rigid and tense shot.


The Archery World Tour is more than just a competition; it is a celebration of skill, precision, and dedication. Whether you are an aspiring archer, a passionate fan, or a seasoned professional, the tour offers an unparalleled experience. With its growing popularity and continuous innovations, the Archery World Tour is set to reach even greater heights in the coming years.

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